We have been here to help each other, to take a stand, to speak up, share the message of the people, their cause, families, neighborhoods, and in behalf of their community. We have related credible data from creditable sources, and addressed our officials and our government representatives where and however possible. IVeMedia serves as the people’s information center, of Independent News and Journalism. We also assist to organize community initiatives and facilitate presentations. We hold space as a people’s venue, and, we do this through workshops, Town Halls, and forums (including candidates for election debates). We “the People”, especially in Assembly, are the true owners of America’s Constitutional and Common Law democratic Republic.
In the past we have attend and track the activities of government, presented testimony, documents, dossiers, investigations to bring the most creditable science and evidence based information on COVID-19 and all the many aspects of the Pandemic phenomena to Jackson and Josephine County Officials/Commissioners. We also covered the socioeconomic issues facing the World/USA, and Oregonians, Cave Junction, the Illinois Valley Community, and Grants Pass, while highlighting significant developments in other countries, states, counties, cities, relevant to our experience. Now, in 2024, we are entering a new phase in our pathways to Health, Sovereignty, and taking Responsibility. Join us for the awakening taking place.
Some of our older content will still be visible at the bottom of our page with the new content above. Contact me. I’m always open to share where we are at in the current flow of things as we elevate our walk with each other on this beautiful earth in a most creative way. May your day’s journey be all it can be and find you smiling back at it. 🙂
Email [email protected] , call or text me Guenter – 541-415-1929.
Week of Nov. 7-13 COVID, Inoculations, Socioeconomics
Video (Nov.2): The Vaccine is More Dangerous than COVID-19: Dr. Peter McCullough
Why are we Vaccinating Children Against COVID-19?
Abandonment of crucial clinical review processes, lack of safety data, and extensive unaddressed scientific inquiry. This and other significant findings by Top Science/Medical Professionals are shaping investigations of systemic fraud, criminal omissions and commissions in America’s major health regulatory agencies. The mRNA experimental inoculants, labeled as vaccines, fail under multiple accounts as characterized by experts in epidemiology and science. As presented by Dr. Peter McCullough and host Micheal Welch of Global Research TV. |
Aug. 19 2021 Outdoor Commissioner’s WBS Public Comments / COVID
Audio recording of the Josephine County Commissioners Outdoor Business Session for Wednesday, Aug. 18th, with Public Testimony on COVID-19, the mRNA “labeled” vaccines, the surge in hospitalizations, and rollout of extensive restrictions issued by Oregon State and its health agencies.
We will have the video of this meeting up shortly with more information by Thursday evening 8/19/21.
A compliment action: San Diago supervisors, on Tue. 8/17/21, heard 3 hours of testimony from an array of community members and professionals solid on their information, facts, and conveyance that “the jig is up!”. On a broad scale people are waking-up to the whole story, and the orchestrated deceptive narratives disguised as public safety. Thanks To Judy and Craig for this. Who mentioned they slept real well after seeing it.
July 28th, 2021 JoCo Regular Wednesday Business Session Public Comments relative mostly to the topic of COVID-19 and the mRNA alleged vaccines. Below is an audio file of this section of the meeting. We’ll have the video up soon.
Updated 6/5/21
Our latest action initiative is to support solid professional and factual information to all Officials, and to our community, the people of Josephine and Jackson County. We highlight the need for precautionary principles and independent forensic investigations. We petition, to call for a “cease and desist” on the administration of mRNA Emergency Authorized Use experimental injections (allegedly labeled as vaccines), especially to all minor children 17 and younger. WE Summon Community support to Address the risk/benefit factor – as “The risk is too great!” – with the mounting injuries, illnesses, and deaths being recorded since January. In fact the mass global mRNA experiment should literally be terminated completely until adequate independent research results can be decimated honestly. Each county should then hold sessions with the public on attained efficacy information and full disclosure of risk/benefit factors provided in transparent comprehensive study reports.
I have issued, on June 2nd, the Dr. Martain Fauci/COVID-documents and have verbally articulated a section of it during “Public Comments” to the Jackson and Josephine County Commissioners at their meetings. Also duing a rally at the Illinois Valley High School, I handing a petition document with a “Courtesy Notice of Liability” to the Principle (on May 27th). Our informational “Open Letter” reports are coupled with a Courtesy Notice Of Liability regarding youths receiving mRNA injections. These experimental mRNA injections under EUA are exempt from liability, while injury and death continue to mount at an unprecedented and alarming rate.
Many Doctors, Scientists, Lawyers and Medical Professionals are issuing warnings and pleas of cease and desist. We (local supporters and myself) are taking a stand against the hyperbole and coercive tactics, the fast track administration of mass injection events of our youth with mRNA experimental (claimed and alleged) “vaccines”, by government, without mid and long term study data on adverse impacts. We are demanding common sense and the morally sound application of precautionary principles. We hereby support the cease and desist warnings from the many professionals by issuing an affidavit “Open Letter” to our research and warning in the form of a “Courtesy Notice of Liability” to all government administrators and health officials. Not one death of a child (or person) is worth all the money the counties and local medical groups (corporations), including Big Pharma, are receiving for the management of people via COVID-19 Emergency Orders through the vehicle of an alleged pandemic emergency. We ask for Independent proof of the COVID-19 Pandemic’s existence (and the CoV-2 virus) outside of the death range that normally occurs. Where is the spike in deaths due to SARS CoV-2?
Due to laws protecting Corporations, no vaccine company can be sued for injuries or death, thanks to congress. Note that Big Pharma is the largest lobbyist groups on Capitol Hill, along with the Banks.
Thus administrators are liable once they review and understand the risk factor and likewise continue to administer, promote, or allow the promotion of high risk health product, without recourse of remedy to injury, in their jurisdiction, while being the people’s trust agents. This also applies to the Sheriff and local court administrators.
And then there is the matter of full disclosure laws to obtain (fully) informed consent before accepting treatment, especially with an Emergency Use Authorized experimental “novel” mRNA treatment. Full disclosure has been GROSSLY under represented. Again, an administrators responsibility. We are placing the research homework they should have done in front of them. And it will take many of us to do this in a consistent well documented manner. We wish to place litigation as a last resort but build our case to be well prepared for it. We are appealing to their conscience with good faith, and good will in their humanity.
Sample Instructional Document on Open Letter & Courtesy Notice of Liability re: injecting Minors with mRNA. The OL-CNL template document is in the process of being crafted, hopefully by tomorrow evening – 6/6/21. Retrun here Monday 6/7
Supplemental Reports as exhibits to “Open Letter/Courtesy Notice of Liability”
40+ Doctors Tell UK Drug Regulators: Vaccinating Kids for COVID is “Irresponsible, Unethical and Unnecessary”
Government Meetings and Supplements
Wed. May 12th – Josephine Co. Commissioners Monthly Business Session” Public Comments” section – COVID Restrictions, Testimonies, findings and facts. Open Oregon. And From: “We the People United Illinois Valley”
P.1 May 5, Jackson County Wed. Weekly Meeting “Public Comments” Testimonials.
Jackson Co. Commissioners, all in their offices! Yeh! – for the Meeting:
(part 1) Public Comments on COVID-19, resist Governors Orders, no more extreme, no canceling events,.Commissioners express need for community to work with and support them to “Open Oregon”.
(part 2) Jackson County Proclomation Public Hearing session: Jackson Co. Opposes All Caronavirus Emergency Restrictions on residents and businesses.
P.2 May 5, Jackson County Proclamation to Oppose Gov. Brown’s Restrictive Orders “Public Hearing” May 6th, 2021
PDF of Jackson County Proclamation 5/7/21 Oposing COVID mediatory Restrictions
December 29, 2020 COVID-19 PCR Test with CT set to 40, is worthless
Below is an audio file of the Jackson County Commissioner’s staff meeting from Dec. 29th, 2020 regarding discussion on the subject of COVID-19. Commissioner Coulleen Roberts inquiry to OHA lab on information regarding what threshold CT level is use on PCR tests, locally here, to determine positive cases. A Mr. John Fontana responded by phone to Commissioner Roberts saying they use the recommended CDC CT-PCR cycle of 40. Commissioner Roberts then said to him “I have heard that anything over 35 is unreliable”. Mr. Fontana responded, she said, by saying “The reading is more qualitative than quantitative. ” On January 20th the CDC lowered their PCR recommendation to 35, and immediately positive tests began to drop sharply across the states.
Dr. Tom Cowan’s Webpage /July 16, 2020, podcast, Dr. Cowan gives a fine simple explanation of the PCR, the CT threshold, and what the numbers mean.
Fauci discusses PCR in “This Week in Virology”
“This Week in Virology”: Tony Fauci makes a point of saying the PCR COVID test is useless and misleading when the test is run at “35 cycles or higher.”
A positive result, indicating infection, cannot be accepted or believed. Here, in techno-speak, is an excerpt from Fauci’s key quote (starting at about the 4-minute mark [1]): “…If you get a cycle threshold of 35 or more…the chances of it being replication-competent are miniscule…you almost never can culture virus from a 37 threshold cycle…even 36…it’s just dead nucleoids, period.”
Each “cycle” of the test is a quantum leap in amplification and magnification of the test specimen taken from the patient. Too many cycles, and the test will turn up all sorts of irrelevant material that will be wrongly interpreted as relevant. That’s called a false positive.
What Fauci failed to say on the video is: the FDA, which authorizes the test for public use, recommends the test should be run up to 40 cycles. Not 35. Therefore, all labs in the US that follow the FDA guideline are knowingly or unknowingly participating in fraud. Fraud on a monstrous level, because… Millions of Americans are being told they are infected with the virus on the basis of a false positive result, and… The total number of COVID cases in America—which is based on the test—is a gross falsity. The lockdowns and other restraining measures are based on these fraudulent case numbers. Let me back up and run that by you again. Fauci says the test is useless when it’s run at 35 cycles or higher. The FDA says run the test up to 40 cycles, in order to determine whether the virus is there. This is the Fraud in a nutshell.