UpDated: 2024/01/24 Guenter Ambron 541-415-1929 call or txt me.
Welcome to our Illinois Valley fellowship.
IVeMedia is the internet resource for the Illinois Valley Community Media and Education Center (CMEC) along with evidence based information research. We advocate for and host open thoughtful debate, engaging cross-examination, fact finding and fact facing processes, mostly on issues central to our community.
Our primary focus on projects for 2024 is to support the “Illinois Valley Health Freedom Forum & Information Center (HFFIC) and the “Sovereignty Group and Study” (SGS).
Also we are working to coordinate a “support family” network, as HFFIC is also intended as a (lay) resource for Addiction and Alcohol Recover. Visit the Tuesday, 6PM, meeting, with the “What it was like” AA Group. An Organic Dinner social hour starts at 5PM, before the meeting. Experience the home recovery atmosphere. We are available for anyone reaching out, or anyone trying to help someone. I’m available from 4 – 5PM Tuesdays, if you wish to stop by, or need to talk. 541-415-1929. Give yourself a break, we can help.
HFFIC focuses on independent health care information, sourcing; evidence based medicine and science free from conflicts of interest.
SGS centers on the sociological health, spirituality, and well being of Americans, visiting the history of their sovereign adventurism, honoring life and liberty, for all, equally.
Wellness Walk held Feb. 12th, Sat. 1PM, 2022 in Cave Junction.
Wellness Walk Event – sponsored by IV Health Freedom
Description: Our goal: HELP development of a setf-support health and wellness community program, including a vaccine injury recovery group. We require a centered focus, as a group, on actual science, and evidence based medicine. Encourage, debate, conversation, on the actual data, and, subsequent professional analysis. We support the International Barrington Declaration, and Open Oregon. Reach me Guenter @ 541-415-1929
To Read the Barrington Declaration go to: https://gbdeclaration.org
Our studies and presentations for COVID-19 are also on our Community Education page.
A 2022 Illinois Valley Community Watch meeting is scheduled for April 18th (3rd Monday) at WildRivers Pizza in Cave Junction. 4PM. Also Visit: IVeMedia.org/iv-watch for details.
• Fire Watch Meetings continue, informally at present. Contact me for briefings, meetings, and training; also with local topics and community concerns. We also ZOOM Thursday and Sunday evenings at 8PM covering a range of subjects and as detailed in presentations. Contact me for an agenda, or with your submission item to post on it.
Contact: Guenter 541-415-1929 – text or email [email protected] / YouTube / FB
Fellow Researchers, Media/Edu Productions, Collaborators, Journalist, Source News, and Affiliates – are: Thrive / Community Rights / Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund / Post Carbon Institute / GeoEgineeringWatch / Childrens Health Defense / National Liberty Alliance / World Drs. Alliance / Americas Frontline Drs Tour – May 23. / Truth Comes To Light / FLCCC Alliance (ivermectin) / WE THE PEOPLE – humanity’s network / The HighWire / NEWS The Epoch Times /
IV Health Freedom’s Feb. 12th “WELLNESS WALK” and “State of Wellness Address” to the community. A Brief Report
Prerequisite Informative and historical documentaries to view
Introduction Film Series we recommend to view ASAP, then join our group/individual conversations: The Secret of OZ – Documentary . It will give you the context to which the world of finance, currency, corporations, governments, the Health care Industry and the socioeconomics work. We also recommend www.thrivemovement.com/the_movie “The “Thrive One Film” and then Thrive II on www.thriveon.com , we also have CD copies, availabie. Contact me.
COVID-19, News, the science and Initiatives: Select: HISTOR/LAW concerning important engaging content and evidentiary research by Dr. David Martin and RFK jr. in tandem with many other highly creditable Medical/Law professionals as they uncover many challenging findings to the current COVID naratives. We recommend all, be briefed on, to be informed, and to work in unity as a movement for our shared Health and Freedom.
COVID Research Work Group – Lead Article
The socioeconomic crisis, overreach, and corporatocracy
By IVeMedia & independent researchers
Greetings. We are reaching out to you, the businesses, the fellowships, our community, and our local governments to support conversations and well rounded information sharing on the important matters facing us today as a community. The year 2020 has seen us going from one of the best economies in recent history to a state of socioeconomic depression, and ruin for many small businesses. This was accomplished chiefly due to the actions of Government in tandem with the Corporate Medical Health industry, Big Pharma, and Corporate “Legacy Media” that generate the narratives of the COVID-19 Pandemic – phenomena.
AS a group of local researchers we have uncovered a good deal of what we believe is solid consistent information and science. We have identified many findings, and challenges to the often contradicting Official Narratives.
We are reaching out to our community members, to share with us your views, your experiences, and your thoughts… Currently our main topics are Neighborhood/Fire Watch and Emergency Preparedness, then on the COVID-19 front with; case counts and the PCR Tests, the non-vaccine mRNA (labled) Vaccines, patenting of the coronavirus by the CDC, or just how you feel about the information in the essay below or other material on our website?
A comprehensive Cost v Benefit Analysis Assessment process is our goal and to expose the full story. We direct you to our researched content, to our FaceBook pages, forums (ZOOM meetings) and other media sourced input locations. We welcome you to join our research teams, visit affiliates, collaborate, review, contribute, and we encourage all to vet our information posted here. We are here to listen.
We are talking with county commissioners on our findings. Collectively we are advocating for equal justice, to keep businesses open at 100%, and seeking compensation for collateral damages and takings. Follow and learn about what we are doing.
We host Remote Meetings on Thursday and Sundays 8 – 9 PM. ZOOM with us or by phone. New Comer briefings are at 7:40 (15m) Contact us for more info.
SOUTH DAKONTA – Excerpts from Kristi Noem Governor South Dakota with add inserts [bracketed] by Guenter Ambron
“Many of us know how well the economy was doing before the instituted pandemic.”
Most governors shut down their states followed by record unemployment, many businesses closed, schools shut down some went remote, communities and the U.S. Economy suffered. It wasn’t COVID that crushed the economy, it was government. And then just as quickly, government turned around and held itself out as the savior, enriched by the CARES Act, as the [federal reserve] and Treasury Department couldn’t issue money fast enough to the banks to keep up with the wishlists of Congress. [And now their latest bill of $1.9T, with only 9% going towards COVID relief. Not many people understand the fractional bank lending system and the boon of credit that flushed through those big financial institutions.]
But South Dakota did not follow, the only state in America that never ordered a single business or church to close, institute a shelter in place order, mandated people to wear masks, or define what an essential business is. For governors have not the authority to tell you that your business isn’t essential.
[But under the illusion of the color of law, and the fantastic hyperbole tailored narratives issued by legacy media, congress, the WHO, and CDC, a spellbinding web of fear emerged, contradicting common sense, with a barrage of inaccurate science, 3.4% death prediction models, positive and presumptive case counts ever pushing matrix guideline rates to extreme measures instituting lockdowns all over the country.]
South Dakota’s Schools approached the pandemic differently. From the earliest days of the pandemic their priority was the students, their wellbeing and their education.
The governor provided all of the information needed for her people, and then trusted them to do the right thing, make the best decisions for themselves, their families, and their communities. They never focused on the case #s, instead they kept their eye on hospital capacity. If you haven’t noticed Dr. Fauci is wrong allot.
Even in a pandemic, public health policy needs to take into account people’s economic and social wellbeing. Daily needs still need to be met. People need their dignity. South Dakota resisted the call for virus control at the expense of everything else. They looked at the science, the data, the facts, and then took a balanced approach. [A Cost v Benefit Analysis Assessment.]
We have to show people how arbitrary, and uninformed these restrictions are, and the coercion, the force, and the anti Liberty and unlawful steps that governments take to enforce them. Often, the enforcement isn’t based on facts. Justifying these mitigation efforts has been anything but scientific. Now many in the media, they criticized South Dakota’s approach. They labeled the Governor ill-informed, reckless, and a science denier. Some even claimed that South Dakota was as bad as it gets anywhere in the world when it comes to COVID-19 spread. That was a lie. But they aired all this stuff. The media did all of this while simultaneously praising governors who issued lockdowns, who mandated masks and shut down businesses, applauding them as having taken the right steps to mitigate the spread of the virus.
South Dakota is in the upper 1/3 lowest mortality rates of the states per capita. Their governments did things differently, trusted their people and applied common sense governing principles. They never exceeded hospital capacity and their economy is booming. The lowest unemployment in the nation. # 1 in keeping jobs, keeping businesses open, wages high, and keeping money in the pockets of their people.
Kristi Noem Governor of South Dakota
Then there is Florida their State and Governor Ron DeSantos, lifting restrictions, they got it right. Lower per capita death rates than 27 other states with a 4.9% unemployment rate. AND now there is Texas, as of March 10th they are 100% open, and then Mississippi followed on the 15th.
There is Sweeden, Japan, Bolares, Tailand, and several African countries. Italy relaxed restrictions, but recently locked down due to variant. Previously there has been a delayed trend in the US of about 3 weeks. Italy’s variant is coming they say. (May arrive in early/mid April)
Oregon’s Yamhill County Commissioners supported a suit for a declarative injunction (Senator Linthicum et al) on Governor Brown’s emergency orders on 11/26/20 and Yamhill also passed Resolution 21-25-1 on 2/24/21 in support of businesses and the economy to cease and desist with state emergency mandated enforcement.
Resolution 21-02-18-1 (passed 2/24/21) in Support of The Local Economy and Business of Yamhill County Impacted by Government on COVID-19. (see next column)
#1 Governor issues 23 Emergency Order to date.
#2 (violates) U.S. 14th Amendment “No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges of immunities of citizens”.
#3 (violates) Article 1, Sec. 18, Ore. Constitution declares, “Private property shall not be taken for public use, nor the particular services of any man be demanded, without just compensation, …, or without such compensation first assessed and tendered”.
#4 Governor deems businesses nonessential. (a takings)
#5 Orders closing or restricting businesses, violates US 5th Amendment depravation of property “with out due process of law”.
#7 Yamhill Health Officials and citizens have managed COVID outbreaks without overwhelming hospitals.
#1 Yamhill Commissioners call on Governor to uphold oath “support, protect, and defend” US & Ore. Constitutions and lift unlawful (prolonged) orders.
#3 Call Governor to direct all State agencies (OSHA & OHA) to limit infractions to pre COVID-19 matters only.
#4 Urge residents to follow COVID-19 mitigation practices to the best of their ability without cohesion, and to self-govern for the well being of all.
#5 Call to Oregon’s Legislators to address statute and jurisdictional overreach of Governor’s Orders contravening human rights and constitutional Law.
Visit commissioner’s dialog on this resolution at: https://www.co.yamhill.or.us/content/board-commissioners-combined-formalinformal-session-42. @ 1:24:40 time in
There are substantial matters of law evaded by the Governor, and assisted by Oregon Supreme Court justices who vacated an 8th circuit court’s injunction to nullify her Orders (in May 2020) – based on the Oregon Constitution [Art. 10A] and Statute (ORS 433.441 [5]) detailing a clear 30 and 28 day time limit where the Governor is to convene the Oregon Legislation to continue such Orders, or not. That legislative convention was due on April 8th, 2020. This clear intent of law for checks to balance power by the people’s representatives was not administered, not a peep, and further denied by our Oregon Supreme Justices. Other suits and injunctions are currently in play against Brown’s Orders. On our website and in another article we will detail what we identify as a case for “systemic fraud” and collusion to bypass safeguards against totalitarianism. One party runs the Oregon State – all three branches, a trifecta, and with all STATE Governments under corporate control. – informed opinion pice by Guenter Ambron
In addition to Yamhill County there is Eureka County and Elko County in the State of Nevada that have drafted similar Resolutions of cease and desist.
Driving the ratings of the matrix guideline are the Case Numbers and combined with presumptive cases. Also considerable science has substantiated very real challenges, by the science community, showing proof, that the RT-PCR test (Reverse Transcription – Polymearse Chain Reaction) has major flaws leading to false positive cases, and confirmed by the studies showing 80 to 90% asymptomatic human cases being generated.
Also Jackson County Commissioner Roberts reported to the Board, on Dec. 29th that she spoke with an OHA representative, a Mr. Fontana, confirmed to her that a CT of 40 is used in PCR testing. And when posed back to him the question of “Is that not too high to be accurate?” Mr. Fontana responded to Commissioner Roberts stating “it is qualitative rather that quantitative”. In July of 2020, Dr Fouci himself, in an interview with a virology group state that “a CT above 35 is useless, dead nucleotide.”
The reality of Covid hospitalizations, the falsehoods, and the hyperbole, when in fact there were far more hospitalizations from the flu season of 2017-2018.
How the CDC is hiding and manipulating the death toll, in large part, through grouping deaths under “PIC” which represents pneumonia, influenza, and COVID-19.
Brake down of the true nursing home and long term care facilities data points. How they are documenting anyone who tests positive at time of death as a Covid death, even if they died from another cause, car wreck, gunshot wound, etc. Dr. Deborah Birx from the White House Covid Task Force stated this herself.’
The task force for emergency diagnostic tests and EUA’s was formed 10 months prior to Covid hitting the states.
The inventor of PCR, Kary Mullis, along with numerous other scientists have always said that PCR should not be used for medical diagnostics.
Doctors worldwide have spoken out against the alleged pandemic, the RT-PCR tests, and warn of the dangers of vaccines that have not met safety standards.
36-40% of medical staff in two different surveys say they will not get the vaccines.
CONCLUSION: There is a lot of gaslighting, misinformation, intentional disinformation, and data to sift through in order to clearly see the big picture and make proper decisions based on facts. Unfortunately, when information reported goes against the narrative being pushed by big pharma, big media, and big stakeholders, journalists and medical professionals tend to get disqualified in meek attempts by simply pointing to “other sources” that “say otherwise,” without providing solid evidence.
It’s up to everyone to decide whether they choose to see the facts or the illusion. Those that choose to see the illusion will inevitably cast away their freedoms, which will have a direct impact on the rest of the country. The question is, will they be able to live with themselves when reality sets in and it’s too late to turn back?
Our IVeMedia research group is adding more researchers and supporting Commissioners in Jackson and Josephine County to assemble their own COVID-19 Study Teams and then work with us to identify solid data and science. Then filter that through a comprehensive Cost v Benefit Analysis Assessment process. We aim to support all of our community’s welfare as essential while avidly protecting the vulnerable against all communicable diseases.
Guenter Ambron
IVeMedia Group