Greetings! Welcome to IVeMedia. The online Home of our Illinois Valley (IV) Community Media & Education Center. We are a local independent media [production], education, news, journalism and publishing ‘community resource’ service group. Our Partner Groups, starting with the latest, are: IV Health Freedom Forum, The Sovereignty Studies (forum), The IV Community Watch Service Group (a Chartered Entity), which includes fire and E-Prep. Communications, forums, workshops, spiritual gatherings, and more. Our Purpose: empower (grow in) knowledge, leadership, Unity, and personal sovereignty.
We cultivate WellBeing. One day at a time, group by group, neighborhood by neighborhood, family by family – tribe by tribe.
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We Source and print bulletins, compositions and briefs on the latest topics re: Health and the Sciences, economics and ecosystems, sociological/spiritual/political and recovery topics, mix in a little world view. Visit our “About Us” page for more.
Spiritual and social wellbeing, addiction recover, cancer care, prevention, understanding the mRNA spike protein, the department of defense, cultivating chi, establish an informed empowered community… , all these and more have been a part of our forums, since 2005.

Welcome to our Illinois Valley community →
We look forward to helping you be well, well informed, empowered, as we too are learning, through sharing with each other, to be conscious and healthy in all ways. We welcome you to visit, or join our Meetings and Forums. Online, ZOOM, FaceBook Live, chat groups and more. Help us or help us to help you address important topics and with the community.
Our motto: When anyone reaches out for help we want the hand of our community to be there, and for that, I am responsible.
Peace. May your day’s journey be all that it can be and find you smiling back at it. For after all we love who we are by what we do, for our generations, conserve and manifest abundance, pay it forward, pass it on.
IV Health Freedom Forums

Keep the insights and the conversation going—
Dr. Kory Talks Long Vax with The National Desk: Coming Soon
Beyond the Shots: Decoding Long Vax Syndrome Symptoms: Coming Soon
Recorded Sessions