
Illinios Valley Community Media & Education Center





Illinois Valley Health Freedom Group (IVHFG)

Oregon’s Sovereign People Unite for Medical Free Choice

Greetings Health Freedom Members, and dear friends. This is our Private WebPage for us, members, and friends of the IVHFG. Access is open, not (Yet) password protected, meaning, the link address to this page can be viewed by anyone that has this unpublished, unsourced link. You can only find this page if you know or are sent the URL “ivemedia.org/HFG”. It will be given to new members that respect our confidentiality protocols.
We also have a group “Text” bulletins and announcements notifications, about twice a week, on latest updates with meeting and subject materials. My Phone: 541-415-1929 or Text me.. Guenter EMAIL [email protected]

Join our FaceBook Group at: https://www.facebook.com/groups/ivhealthfreedom
Contact me if you have any problems connecting, etc…

The latest update is January 6th, 2024. I just began updating this page since late 2022. Lots more content coming. I’ll start with our latest meeting, Jan. 5th, 2024, from 3 – 5pm, held at Ascension Studio.

Following is a partial recording of the meeting we had 1/05/2024 with our focus on the new year and services that we are expanding on with the IV Health Freedom Forum and Information Center (HFFIC). Our discussion topics were on Mental Health, addiction, and recovery. We also featured, in this meeting, “The Wellness Company” an Independent Virtual Health and Wellness Care national association which is going State wide and reaching into Canada. See: www.twc.health We also featured Dr. Drew Penski with interview by Voice of America covering the subject of RN.1 Covid virus strain and Dr. Drew focused on the features of The Wellness Company.

January 5th
Part 1

Part 2

On Dec 15, 2021, at 6:19 PM, Waves Forest <[email protected]> wrote: “Since I decided to send those links to lots of folks, I added titles and authors to the book list, so here’s that.”

New Published Books of Key Historic Studies of COVID Pandemic below with the free World Electronic Library. We’ll be starting a book review on the key subjects:

 Very high profile credibility, large spread. On the Joe Rogan Show, Dr. Peter McCullough is spotted as the go to epidemiologist. Says he’s not anti conventional vax (yet) so they can’t use that excuse to ignore him. He has 50 pier reviewed publications and preprints on COVID subjects.
If there isn’t time for all of it, start about a half hour in and hear at least the next 20 minutes.
Spotify is a free sign up. This should be persuasive even for county commissioners and such.

RFK Jr  “The Real Dr Fauci”
https://b-ok.cc/book/18220617/cefade (EPUB) or: https://b-ok.cc/book/18165725/65a32e (PDF)

Pamela A. Popper, Shane D. Prier  “COVID OPERATION: What Happened, Why It Happened, and What’s Next “

Peter and Ginger Greggin  “COVID-19 and the Global Predators: We are the Prey”

Scott Atlas M.D. “A Plague Upon Our House: My Fight at the Trump White House to Stop COVID from Destroying America”

From: Kelly Waldin <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: Joe rogan
Date: December 15, 2021 at 3:17:42 PM PST
Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
On Wed, Dec 15, 2021 at 3:15 PM, Kelly Waldin<[email protected]> wrote:Listen to  Joe rogan .Pod cast 1747 dr Peter mc CulloughStart 30 min in if no time for whole podcast. Spotify.  Free to sign up. 
Listen and send link  to others. 
Vip..K 👌 ( 

Meeting Reports

Fridariday, Jan 14, 4PM Meeting: I’ll have a review brief here up Sunday evening. Thanks. Enjoy the recording. Thanks to everyone who contributed. The recording quality is not so good but audible. Dr. Peter McCullough Epidemiologist, Cardiologist interview Jan. 1 was our latest meeting subject focus, early treatment, absence of asymptomatic transmission evidence, and vaccine deaths, injuries, underestimated. mRNA labeled vaccine is severely failing, murdering, but currently too big to fail. here’s a link to the EpochTV interview and article: https://www.theepochtimes.com/dr-mccollough-says-outpatient-treatments-for-covid-19-have-been-suppressed_4189353.html

Friday, Jan 7, 2022, 4PM Meeting: We had 17 people in attendance, and began with an Interview (excerpt) by EpochTV with Dr. Peter McCullough (Epidemiologist, Cardio, Internist) from Dallas Texas. Dr. McCullough’s focus in this interview was on development of early treatment therapies and protocols for COVID-19, as he and other doctors around the world pioneered the development of the current set of protocols being used by doctors. Also there was an update on the Dome School, OSHA/OHA protocols used there, and efforts to have more science based review to inform board members and teachers regarding the “full impacts”, sociologically and to the children, closures, masking, social distancing, etc. Suggestions and dialog led to members interests to develop a go-pack of over the counter Multi-drug, nutraceuticals and vitamins, including herbal and other remedies to share with the broader community. Community members who’ve had success with significant reduction of symptoms, avoiding hospitalization, want to share their remedies with others.

We are also looking to host a Vaccine (and COVID) Injury Recovery Support group,
for personal sharing, gain knowledge, and convey therapies people are using, successfully, to improve health. Also the stigma of being unvaccinated as being reckless, imposing death sentence, willful misconduct towards others. We want to convey that people, who’ve been very healthy, supporting their own natural immunity, do not contribute, but rather help mitigate spread, through the evidence of Natural Immunity, and, much more so, than the experimental mRNA human cell intervention, labeled as vaccines, with a high injury and death profile, which require boosters every 4-6 months as durability rapidly wains. You have to keep getting shots, and there is no long term data that supports the efficacy and safety of these new, never been tried – inoculants. Plain and simple you are part of an experiment, an immoral and criminal one at that for the sake of Big Pharma profits, and human subjective measures.

Next week we’ll be covering Vaccine Safety Project by Children’s Health Defense presented by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Preview the presentation information at: https://childrenshealthdefense.org/uncategorized/vaccine-safety-project-video-trailer-2018/

Friday, Dec 31, 4PM Meeting: Last day of the 2021 year. We had a good sharing session. New People, focus on building a natural immuno-health conscious community, support with effective Multi-Drug therapeutics, as with FLCCC Alliance of Physicians, their guidelines of effective treatments, including many more health practitioners in the U.S. and from around the world. Christine told us about John who’s in the hospital due to clots from the Jab. Prayers for John, and Christine. There is a lead in prayer, in the recording below, by our late Agnes Pilgrim, Takilma elder. Enjoy the session. I’ll have more to report shortly. Next meeting, Jan. 7th, 4PM. Our opportunities and options are growing daily to support good health practices. We are doing this together as a community, as they are in so many other States, and countries rallying to the call. We are not powerless. Blessings to all, good health, and remedy mining, truth, science, evidence based medice research, and much more in the new year. 

Friday, Dec. 10th, 4pm Meeting: We met for an hour, Waves & Kelly, also Craig & Judy were there from the WeThePeopleUnited JoCo. We covered some discussion on the new RFK Jr.’s book “The Real Dr. Fauci” Bill Gates and the War against Democracy and Public Health. Waves covered the free library where you can view many book titles such as JFK jr’s book. Will have a bit more on the meeting here in text, just a bit. You can follow the audio below for this meeting.

Friday Dec. 3rd, 4pm. Our most recent IV Health Freedom meeting was held, Dec. 3, at 4PM Friday. Attendees include Phil (KXCJ), Rose, Erica, Sarah, Mike (new), Scott, Christie and myself. We covered excerpts on CD-19 matters from the Josephine Co. Commissioner’s meeting held Wednesday, Dec 1st, on ZOOM. I had featured to the commissioners the Robert Kennedy Jr. newly released Book “The Real Antony Fauci”, along with David Martin’s Fauci Dossier, brief, and the need for a judicial system that will address hearings on the fraud at the CDC and NIAIH, and as peruatrated by Dr. Fauci and others.

The meeting, Friday 11/5, with Phil, Heather, and Christie was great. We spent 1.5 hrs involved in conversation, with planning focus. Packaging our own Media, presentations, conversations, lead to workshop, town halls, concert forums, etc. 
I have a 20m mp3 segment (11m) of the meeting conversations, a short Qicksilver, followed by Aggie, 2016, and her talk about the Grandmonter’s Mission Vatican . 
Phil is quite fresh from New York and he’s fluent in the main points addressing the PlanDem-ic assault on health.
Many world countries People are embracing themselves like never before. So this is our time and move to break the ice, no more corporate rule.
Monday, Thu, Sun, 7PM, we’ll have ZOOM mtgs., great study sessions so far, it helps one articulate the issues, to others, and with literature, internet (same) sources, one can be education sponsor for their families and fellows benefit. Good networking resistance structures are on line. 
Christie’s Ascension ATH, 4 PM Friday, Nov 12, is the next recorded meeting. I’ll have it on our webpage too www.ivemedia.org/hfg with more information loading on frontline studies and campaigns. Move that line! 
Dome School election meeting is Nov 15th. Families are concerned for its direction. And for a healthy social community experience for their children. Erica is interested in having a space to talk about it. I’ll be sending this out to others. What say ye?
OK, I’ll send the audio file with this email. Back to you soon.
Commissioner’s meeting is Wed. 9 am. 
It is an important time to unite, and quickly.
May your day’s journey be all it can be and find you smiling back at it.

November 5, 2021 Ascension A&TH recorded meeting segment 1 with Phil – KXCJ, QS music, and 2016 talk by Agnes Pilgrim on the Mission to the Vatican of the 13 international indigenous GrandMothers.


• Our Dinner Meeting is rescheduled for Nov. 4th 5:00 PM. Dale’s Long House Takilma across from Dome School.

Friday Oct. 29 – art show at Ascension Art & Tea House. Visit the Art Show, I’ll be there 5PM and have new literature there and we can talk informally.
We had a great discussion last week with just the 4 of us.

There is a big push to stop the vaccines and I addressed the Josephine County Commissioners on Wednesdays via ZOOM on this. Once the vaccines are approved for EUA use for 5 – 12 yo, there will be another massive resurgence of CD-19 cases to push a vaccination scare. Everyone’s voice will be needed. This is the biggest episode planned for end of year to weaken, divide the people, and indoctrinate them to their unfolding agenda.

Commissioners Meeting Report, Wed. 10/27 by 8pm.
I attended the Weekly Business Session of the Josephine County Commissioners. All three commissioners were present, Dan DeYoung, Herman Baertschieger and Darin Fowler. Judy and Craig Hinkel gave fine presentations on constitutionality and lawfulness of vaccine mandates and masks. I shared with the commissioners the coming onset of the Childrens vaccination program, how it is absoulutely not for their benefit as they are the least affected and transmissible of all age groups (5-11). The injuries of the shots will be much more than the impacts of the virus infections. I also related how small schools, and the Dome School is full in lockdown compliance with all staff vaccine mandated to work or enter the school building. Two of the three commissioners responded. Listen to the audio clip of the meeting posted below. Conclusion: We are needing to secure as many people as possible for next Wednesday’s Commissioners meeting ( 11/3) to show up on ZOOM and speak to the dangers of child vaccinations and the social impacts in schools that are on mandates, masks, and measured lockdowns.

be posting Documents and a Courtesy Notice of Liability regarding: the fraud, the extensive vaccine damages occurring, and the ineffectiveness of the mRNA (labeled) vaccines. Scroll down for the info. (to be posted Thursday 10/28 by noon.)

Thursday meeting, 10/21 went good just Me and Cheri. Jim had a question on CLO2, it cleared up his heavy CD19 symptoms with measured doses, he wanted to ask Sarah her thoughts on it? Also Betsey? Ross Welcome has been on a Ventilator for 18 days now.  

Veronika, Christie, Heather and I had real good informal meeting. 
• Heather brought research papers. One “The process of vaccine safety tests can not be rushed” says it all. (We have a hight potential of many sick people, especially the vaccinated, due to mounting correlative studies. Luc Montagnier Nobel prize winner on May/2021 from France warned the world the COVID vaccines will damage the immune system. Feed virus variants.)
• Christie talked about how three band members got COVID symptoms, but Pat didn’t.  Attributed it much to good food, herb/vita regimen. Related on 911 hoax. Grandma pressured to have her 11yo son vaxxed. 
• Veronika related situation on Dome School’s protocols, everyone to be vaxxed and masked. Majority of parents not happy. She had a personal talk with Susan Sunday. Many schools are seeing exodus of families, home schooling and chartering their own.
• I found an excellent presentation on the History of Vaccines. Not exclusively, but often more harm done than good. https://odysee.com/@jermwarfare:2/dissolving-illusions:e
Everyone covered way more good information. I felt our inspirations. We had very fluid conversations. We need to bring more people in to research, relate, outreach, build the group, focus our voice and engage our community. KXCJ, let’s record talking points at meetings next week, address and engage in an effective way. Build on good strategies, NVC.

California Father & Daughter Stand Against Medical Tyranny: “All of You Have the Power…to Stand Up and to Be the Voice When You Think You Don’t.”https://odysee.com/@Truth_Comes_to_Light:6/Josh-Watson-and-His-Daughter:3